Pray. Study. Act.

Episcopal Peace Fellowship

Meet Jonathan Kuttab at EPF’s June 23rd GC81 Reception

Renowned international human rights attorney Jonathan Kuttab — who splits his time between Washington DC, Israel, and his native Palestine — will keynote EPF’s reception at the Episcopal Church’s General Convention in Louisville. Reserve your ticket now for this signature in-person event on Sunday, June 23 at 6:30 p.m.

EPF Annual Meeting Keynote and new Executive Director

  • Bishop Fitzpatrick keynote at EPF 2024 Annual Meeting

    The Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, Bishop of Hawai’i, delivered the keynote to EPF’s Annual Meeting in April 2024. Watch the video via YouTube.

  • The Rev. Kerith Harding named as EPF Executive Director

    EPF is excited to announce the appointment of the Rev. Kerith Harding as its new Executive Director in April 2024. Read the press release.

EPF Chapters & Peace Partners

EPF chapters are regionally-based and work on local peace initiatives within their parish and communities as well as on national and international issues. Chapters sponsor and co-sponsor prayer and public witness such as peace vigils, liturgies, service projects and demonstrations. Peace Partner parishes are based out of a specific parish.

Action Groups

  • Gun Violence Prevention

    These resources can open a door to commitment and creativity. The actions listed here are ideas based on what people committed to gun violence prevention are already doing. But you are the experts on your parish community and know best what would work in your local context. If you have ideas that should be listed here, please share them with this resource page. This is just a starting point for all of us, offering a few suggestions for action. Let the winds of the Spirit blow.

  • Racial Justice

    “Racism and white supremacy are intertwined and deeply rooted in both structural and personal violence towards people of color. Therefore antithetical to the gospel of peace. And the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship.

    EPF Racial Justice Working Group”

  • Palestine Israel Network

    Our mission is dedicated to a more robust Episcopal Church witness for justice and peace in Palestine and Israel and is a response to:
the promise made in our baptismal covenant to “ … strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being”; the call in 2005 by Palestinian Civil Society for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions until Israel complies with international law and universal principles of human rights, a call supported by the Episcopal Peace Fellowship; and the prayerful call of Palestinian Christians expressed in the 2020 Kairos Palestine Cry for Hope.

Pray. Study. Act.