Join the Episcopal Peace Fellowship

Ways to participate:

  • Membership

    The first step to participating in EPF is to JOIN. As a fellowship, koinonia (1 John 1:7), our common bond is our shared relationship with the Prince of Peace. We support each other in growing into his likeness by following his way of Love. We support each other in becoming people of peace actively engaged to dismantle systemic violence and oppression. Becoming people of peace includes personal spiritual practice, study, and nonviolent action for justice.

    Recommended annual membership dues are either monthly or annually. Please give according to your ability:

    Monthly: $8.50*/$15/$25/$50/$100 or $___ (other amount)

    Annually: $100/$250/$500/$850*/$1000 or $___ (other amount)

    All members must be able to affirm the statement of conscious quoted colorfully below.

    *starred amounts commemorate EPF’s 85th Anniversary year.

  • Chapters

    Any group of at least 5 EPF members can apply to become a Chapter. A Chapter is a group of supporters who may or may not be members of the same parish. Some chapters are regional or diocesan-wide.

    EPF Chapters covenant to pray, study, and act for peace, and to support each other in the effort to become instruments of Christ’s peace. Chapters lend support to the causes embraced by EPF, consistent with the discernment of the group.

    To apply to become a local chapter, contact the EPF National Office using the e-mail address at the bottom of this page.

  • Peace Partner Parishes

    Peace Partner Parishes (PPP) covenant to become a community of peace in whatever way works best in the congregation (offering an annual class on conflict resolution, anti-racism training, learning about specific forms of systemic violence, etc). Parish Peace Partners lend support to the causes embraced by EPF, consistent with the discernment of the congregation, and pay annual dues of $250 or .2% of parish income.

    To learn more about what it means to become a Peace Partner Parish, contact our Executive Director.

  • Action Groups

    EPF Action Groups focus on a single peace or justice issue and begin with an interested group of at least five EPP members.

    Current* or prior Action Groups have included:

    Palestine Israel Network*

    Gun Violence Prevention*

    Death Penalty Abolition*

    Racial Justice

    Anti-War / Conscientious Objectors

    Welcoming the Stranger

    Young Adult Network

    These groups work across the nation (and sometimes the globe) to spread a promise of peace through liturgical, legislative, and personal action to bring the Gospel to life. If you are interested in starting a new action group, please contact our EPF National Office.

Find a Chapter or Parish Near you.

Episcopal Peace Fellowship has Partner Parishes and Chapters all over the continental US. We are working to update this map (uploaded in 2022), so please contact the office for the most up to date information. Don’t see anything near you? Consider joining one of our action groups or starting a new chapter!